■1926年5月 医院在上海南市沪军营外马路363号创建,共约床位40张;
5/1926: The hospital was built atShanghaibraacks Rd, South of Shanghai, and have about 40 beds.
■1937年7月 医院迁至上海法租界萨坡赛路;
7/1937: The hospital was moved toSaposai Rd, French Concession,Shanghai.
■1949年12月 医院随校内迁安徽怀远县。于1950年元旦开诊,设床位100张;
12/1949:The hospital was moved to Huaiyuan, avillageofAnhuiprovince. The patients was admitted into hospital at 1950, about 100 beds.
■1951年6月 医院由私立改为国立,皖北行署正式接管;
6/1951: The Wang-Bei administative office took over the hospitl officially, than the system of the hospital from Private into National.
■1951年8月 医院从安徽怀远迁至安徽合肥市前大街(现长江路),开设床位146张
8/1951: The hospital moved to Front St (Changjiang Rd), about 146 beds.
■1952年9月 医院住院部迁至合肥市德胜门外东南岗(现绩溪路),编制床位250张;
9/1952: The the hospital moved toSoutheast St, Deshengmen, about 250 beds.
■1952年10月 经安徽省政府批准,医院改名为“安徽医学院附属医院”;
10/1952: Approval by theAnhhuiProvincegovernment, the hospital changed its name to “The Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical College”
■1982年8月 经安徽省卫生厅批准,医院设置床位900张;
8/1982: Approval by the Anhui Health Department, hospital set 900 hospital beds.
■1985年12月 医院改名为“安徽医科大学第一附属医院”;
12/1985: The hospital changed its name to “The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University”
■1993年12月 医院被卫生部评为首批三级甲等医院;
12/1993:The First Affiliated Hospital ofAnhuiMedical Universitywas designated a tertiary A-level hospitalby the countries’the Minister Department of Health in China (MOHC).
■2009年10月 医院外科病房大楼一部投入使用,床位数达到2800余张,步入国内特大型医院行列。
10/2009: The patients wasadmitted intothe Surgury ward for treatment, and the number of beds nearly 2700.
■2017年10月16日,安医大一附院高新院区开诊,并配置我省首台专用医疗救援直升机。高新院区与本部管理一体化、学科特色化,围绕“高技术、新引领”,走“大专科,小综合”特色,设立肿瘤治疗中心、消化病诊疗中心、心脏中心、创伤中心、妇产生殖中心五个特色中心 ,“为患者制定全面、个性化的精准治疗方案。”